Anohni and the Johnsons Tour
Julia Kent is on tour in September/October as part of Anohni‘s band, joining Jimmy Hogarth, Gael Rakotondrabe, Chris Vatalaro, Sam Dixon, Leo Abrahams, Maxim Moston, Mazz Swift, and Doug Wieselman for shows in Mexico, Canada, and the USA.
- September 16th, 2024
Anohni and the Johnsons tour
Julia Kent is currently on tour with Anohni and the Johnsons in the EU, joining Jimmy Hogarth, Leo Abrahams, Sam Dixon, Chris Vatalaro, Gael Rakotondrabe, Maxim Moston, Doug Wieselman, and Mazz Swift for shows in Greece, Italy, Spain, France, UK, Belgium, and Denmark. A US/Canada/Mexico tour will follow in September/October.
- June 27th, 2024
Green and Grey (expanded)
Julia Kent is releasing “Green and Grey” and “Last Day in July,” along with two exclusive tracks, on green and grey vinyl for Record Store Day Black Friday on 29 November.

Artwork by Split
Jola Kudela has created an exquisite video for “Salt Point,” one of the exclusive tracks:
Julia Kent’s UK tour with Daniel Thorne starts 12 November.
- November 9th, 2019
Julia Kent’s new solo record “Temporal” is out now on Leaf.

Photo by Tan Ngiap Heng
- January 25th, 2019
Video by Gregory Euclide
Gregory Euclide made a video for “Imbalance,” the first single from Julia Kent’s new solo record, “Temporal,” out 25 January on the Leaf Label;
- December 17th, 2018
Persona Interview
Natacha Thiéry interviews Julia Kent for Persona:

Photo: PEPE fotografia
- June 29th, 2018
Julia Kent composed original music for “Inalienabile: Musica e Diritti Umani,” a multimedia project of interviews with Italian musical icons about music and its relationship to human rights, now live at:
and on Facebook and Instagram. The project was created by and promoted and supported by Voci per la Libertà and Amnesty International Italia.
- January 23rd, 2018
Terraforma Video
A video by of Julia Kent’s performance at Terraforma festival last July:
- January 23rd, 2018
Elisa Talentino‘s animation “Dandelion,” with music by Julia Kent, won Best Soundtrack at the 2017 Lago Film Festival:
- August 10th, 2017
Corriere della Sera Interview
An interview by Raffaella Oliva in Corriere della Sera, in connection with Julia Kent’s appearance at Terraforma festival at Villa Arconati, Milano, on 24 June:
- June 23rd, 2017